決済方法は、下記の「カード決済手続き」を参照してください。 クレジットカード決済は、宿泊予定日の30日前~2日前の期間のみ決済可能です。決済後に人数や食事の変更はできませんのでご注意ください。
予約確認・人数変更・キャンセルページにて、予約ID(仮予約メールに記載)と登録したメールアドレスから予約確認ページを開きます。 宿泊予定日の30日前~2日前の期間のみ確認ページの下部に「お支払い」ボタンが表示されますので、カード決済を行う方はボタンを押してください。
金額を確認してお間違いないようでしたら、クレジットカード情報を入力し、「お支払い」ボタンを押してください。 お支払い方法は、クレジットカード決済のみとなります。
②Master Card(マスターカード)※推奨
④American Express(アメリカンエクスプレス)
⑤Diners Club(ダイナースクラブ)
※1 セキュリティコード(CVC/CVV)について、VISA/Master Card/JCB/Diners Club/Discoverのカードをお持ちの場合、「セキュリティコード」はカード裏面の署名欄の上または脇にある3ケタの数字となります。American Expressをお持ちの場合、「セキュリティコード」はカード表面のカード番号の右上にある4ケタの数字となります。
The reservation is provisional at the time of reservation, and the reservation is completed when the accommodation fee is paid by credit card.
*Credit card payments can be made 30 days before your scheduled stay, and if the payment procedure is not completed 10 days before your scheduled stay, your reservation will be automatically canceled. If you have made a reservation within 9 days of your scheduled stay, please complete the payment procedures immediately.
For those who make online reservations and make their credit card payment for the accommodation fee 10 days before the date of scheduled stay a discount of 1,000 yen per person will be given. Children under 6 years old do not receive this discount.
The online settlement on our website is a provisional settlement (dependent on the securing of credit limit), we will process your final payment after your stay. If you cancel, your account will not be debited as we will not process this payment.
For online reservations, the accommodation fee pay by credit card 2 to 30 days before the date of scheduled stay. Tomoekan will pay the service charge from the credit card company. You can not change the number of people and meals after the settlement fee is payed.
Settlement information is exchanged using SSL encryption. The online settlement on our website is a provisional settlement (dependent on the securing of credit limit), we will process your final payment after your stay.
① Settlement procedure from reservation confirmation page Please open the reservation confirmation page by entering the reservation ID and the registered e-mail address. The “Pay” button will be displayed at the bottom of the confirmation page only 2 to 30 days before the date of scheduled stay, therefore please click the “Pay” button if you wish to complete the credit card settlement.
② Credit card information input screen
Credit card settlement is the only payment method available online.
* Debit card payment is also possible, but please note that refunds are not possible.
You can use the following six cards.
・VISA ※Recommendation
・Master Card ※Recommendation
・American Express
・Diners Club
Please enter the 16 digit-credit card number, expiration date, and security code (CVC / CVV).
Please note that the expiration year will be a 2-digit entry.
* For security codes (CVC / CVV), if you have a VISA / Master Card / JCB / Diners Club / Discover card, the “Security Code” is the 3 digit number above or beside the signature field on the back of the card.
If you have American Express, the “Security code” is the 4 digit number on the upper right of the card number on the front of the card. If there is no mistake, please click the “PAY” button.
③ Receipt of settlement completion e-mail
A settlement completion e-mail will be sent. Please be sure to present the contents of this e-mail at the reception desk upon your arrival.
Please be aware that there have been many cases where settlement completion e-mails have been received into e-mail spam folders.
If you do not receive a settlement completion e-mail, please call +81-90-4366-5922.
Even after your settlement is complete, you can still confirm and cancel your reservation on the reservation confirmation / cancellation page. After your settlement is complete, you can not change the number of people or meals.
Changing the date will result in the need to make a new reservation after canceling your original reservation. No cancellation fee will be charged for changing dates. We do not process the final credit card settlement for canceled reservations, therefore the payment will not be withdrawn.
You can see our homepage in English.