- 定期的な消毒清掃
- 定期的な換気
- 受付には、ビニールカーテンを設置
- 来館者の体調確認
- 食堂テーブルにアクリル板を設置
- 館内随所にアルコール消毒液を配置
- お酒の販売の禁止 ※お酒を持参した方は外で飲んで頂きます。
- 人と人の間に使い捨ての仕切りを設置
- 顔の周り用の使い捨て不織布を配布
- マスク、手袋の着用
- 業務開始前の検温と体調確認
- 近距離、大声での会話の禁止
- 体調の悪い方や熱が37.5度以上ある方は登山を控えること
- 宿泊予約はインターネット予約のみ
- 宿泊者全ての方の連絡先等の提供
- 館内では、飲食時以外はマスクを着用
- こまめにアルコール消毒による手指消毒
※除菌ティッシュはお客様ご自身で持参ください。 - 食事の際の会話は最低限
※館内でのアルコール摂取は禁止させて頂きます。 - ゴミの持ち帰り
※持ち帰り用のゴミ袋を持参してください。 - 感染疑いがある場合の隔離措置
- 本八合目トモエ館宿泊予定の方が、七合目トモエ館の店内で無料休憩はできません。
- 七合目トモエ館宿泊予定の方が、本八合目トモエ館に荷物を預けることはできません。
- 食事のみの休憩はできません。
Below is an explanation of our Covid-19 prevention measures.
In the mountain hut
- Regular disinfection and cleaning.
- Regular Ventilation off all buildings.
- Vinyl barrier is in use at the reception desk.
- Visitors are checked for Covid-19 symptoms.
- Acrylic dividers separate all guests in the dining hall.
- Alcohol disinfectant is available at different locations throughout the building.
- Disposable partitions are in use to separate guests.
- Covid-19 transmission prevention disposable sheets are used in all sleeping rooms.
Infection control measures for our staff
- All staff wear masks and gloves.
- All staff check themselves for Covid-19 symptoms before starting work each day.
Infection control measures for customers
- Those staying at Tomoekan are required to fallow these infection control measures.
- If you are not feeling well or have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, please refrain from climbing and/or booking with us.
- Reservations can only be made online. Please enter the personal data of ALL guests at the time of booking.
- Personal data can be changed at any times up to two days before the date of your stay.
- Please wear a mask at all time when indoors.
- Alcohol handwash has been provided at many locations throughout the hut so please disinfect your hands regularly.
- You can remove you mask during meals but please refrain from speaking with other guests until you are wearing your mask again.
- If you suspect you might be infected, please descend down the mountain immediately. If descent conditions are too dangerous, you will be asked to stay in isolation until further arrangements can be made.
- If you must make your descent due to covid-19 infection, you will receive a full refund.